Sunday 23 December 2012

Liebster award ...

I had no idea what this was, but apparently I've been nominated by Chloe - underestimatethegirl. I am following the rules so bare with me if I mess this up. 

"The Liebster Award is for bloggers with under 300 followers and the rules of the award is that the nominee must link back to whoever awarded them, write 11 random facts about themselves, answer the 11 questions from the award giver, and then nominate another 11 bloggers and make up 11 questions for them to answer. It's a great way for new and undiscovered bloggers to meet new people, get more followers and find some blogs that they want to follow."

11 facts about me; (that'll bore your face off)
1) i'm obsessed with painting my nails EVERYDAY
2) the smell of soy sauce makes me very poorly 
3) I am horrifically allergic to cats, which hinders my love for them 
4) I get more excited for Christmas now i'm a grown up, than I did as a child
5) my boyfriend and my cousin are genuinely my best friends (how sad)
6) I put more effort into wrapping presents, than I do choosing them 
7) my favourite thing to drink is tea, closely followed by tea 
8) I HATE hot chocolate, every single kind
9) I am far too lazy with my hair (wash, condition, dry, done!)
10) I have the bladder of a kitten (or a heavily pregnant woman)
11) I am a massive History geek! 

my questions to answer from Chloe. 

  1. When did you first start blogging and why?
    I began blogging through the advice of Chloe :) in Nov 2011.
  2. What is the one beauty/hair care item you couldn’t live without
    I would die without moisturiser, I have the driest skin in the history of the world.
     A close second being mascara!
  3. What is your favourite ever song?
    favourite song ever is a tough one, it's gotta be a tie between Mr Brightside by The Killers (which my boyfriend never fails to sing to me drunk) and Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams (which somehow became my freshers anthem)
  4. What is your most embarrassing fashion mishap? (90’s double denim etc?)
    embarrassing fashion mishap? try everything I ever wore before I got to 16? I was a skater, a goth, worst of all a chav - you name it i've disgusted the world with wearing it!
  5. Do you prefer outfit or beauty posts?
    I prefer outfit posts personally, (I class nails as part of the outfit) I enjoy looking at the different combinations people can make - make-up etc. doesn't interest me as I have found my look, that hasn't changed since I was 16!
  6. What is your least and most favourite thing about your looks?
    I HATE my tiny ears, I feel stupid wearing earrings with my hair up, I don't want to draw attention to them!
    I have learnt to love my figure, I'm so very petite :)
  7. You have £5 to cheer yourself up on a bad day, what would you buy? (not food/drink)
    NAIL VARNISH! ... easy 
  8. Describe your perfect day
    cuddles, cuppa, films and my boyfriend 
  9. What do you think of the massively popular trends like the Topshop “Geek” tshirts?
    I couldn't care less about 'trends' it's such a bore. People need to get some individuality.
  10. What is the next holiday you’re going on?
    I don't have one planned :( woe is me.
    I am visiting Chester (my boyfriends family) for the New year so I'll class that ;)
    Sunny ol' Chester!
  11. Which is your favourite blog to read, and why?
    I don't have a favourite, I genuinely love reading all kinds of blogs :) 

My questions for you!

1) what celebrity fashion best reflects yours?
2) daytime tv? yay or nay?
3) where would be your perfect proposal spot?
4) do you have a favourite film?
5) Team Edward or Jacob? ;)
6) Favourite beverage? (non alcoholic though! oooh)
7) statement wardrobe piece, you couldn't live without?
8) i'm well known for spending £10 a week on cake, (ooops) what guilty pleasure do you waste money on?
9) Highstreet, Designer or Vintage?!
10) The most amazing place you've visited? or intend to visit?
11) I'm a massive history geek, what's your little secret?

I tag-

Caitlin-Rose from Confessions of a Rose

The lovelies at lets live 2 eat
Daisy may from Daisy Mays beauty blog
Natalie from Your almost Alice
Rachel from Sweet Pea London

(Only managing to do 5, rule breaker. Sorry guys!)

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